
Juris Doctor (JD)/Bachelor’s 3+3 Program: Earn your bachelor’s and juris doctor degrees in six years. You’ll get a jump start on your Pre-Law path by integrating law courses into your undergraduate studies and completing undergraduate requirements in your first year of law school.

This accelerated program allows eligible students to complete their bachelor's and Juris Doctor J.D. 六年拿到学位,而不是七年. 

法学博士(J.D.)学位是一把打开无数职业选择之门的有力钥匙. 以J开头.D., and powered by drive and ingenuity, the possibilities for today’s lawyers are endless.

  • 省钱
    Students save on tuition, housing, and related costs with a shorter duration of graduate study.
  • 节省时间
    3+3项目减少了一年的研究生学习, allowing students to enter the workforce and begin earning sooner than other programs.
  • 尽早接受和建议
    Students participating in the 3+3 program apply during junior year and start graduate coursework in the senior year. The early courses provide a no-risk opportunity to take graduate classes without a significant financial commitment                                    
  • 方便
    学生们都因为这样或那样的原因爱上了罗杰. 通过攻读学士学位课程, you can choose to continue to have the same great experience with a graduate degree program here.   
  • 灵活性



Outstanding students who qualify for this special program may be able to complete all requirements for a baccalaureate degree and the Juris Doctor degree in six years.

Full-time students who matriculate at the University in their freshman year and who maintain superior academic records with outstanding academic averages and superior scores on the Law School 网赌的十大网站 Test (LSAT) should apply to the Roger Williams University School of Law in their freshman year. 所有本科毕业要求, excluding all Legal Studies requirements with the exception of LS 101 and either LS 209 or LS 215, 应该已经完成还是待完成的课程应该正在进行中. The Legal Studies major will be completed using courses taken during the first year of law school. Students must have completed a minimum of 90 credits toward the undergraduate degree prior to beginning law school in the fall semester. After commencement the graduation coordinator will confirm that a minimum of 30 credits were successfully completed in the Law School. 届时将公布本科学位.

  • A student must have earned at least 90 credits in three years of study at Roger Williams University before beginning at the School of Law.
  • All Core Curriculum requirements and major requirements must be met within those 90 credits.
  • 学生的累积平均绩点必须至少为3分.2 .没有低于C的成绩.0).
  • The student must have a LSAT score that is at or above the median accepted score for RWU School of Law for the previous year.

在法学院完成第一年的工作, a student in the Three-Plus-Three program must pass all law courses with a grade-point average of at least 2.0. It is mandatory that all non-law academic work toward the combination degree be completed before any work in law is undertaken.

Those interested in pursuing the Three-Plus-Three Program must contact the Dean of 网赌的十大网站s at the School of Law and the Dean of the School of Justice Studies, 不迟于一年级结束. 这个项目不适合转学生.


Students may select and pursue any undergraduate major; however, 请注意,在极少数情况下, 某些专业的要求可能会影响加速时间, 比如工程学和建筑学.

SJS、SHAE和GSB的所有专业都有利于加速路径. Check with dean and/or advisor for majors in SSNS, SECCM, and the Cummings School of Architecture. 

学生必须保持3分.2 cumulative undergraduate GPA with 90 credits and the LSAT completed by end of junior year to be eligible. 学生必须没有严重的性格和/或健康问题. 


The coursework during first the first year of Law School will count toward completing undergraduate degree requirements and JD requirements.

3+3 students are required to take two legal studies prerequisites within the first three undergraduate years.


尽早通知导师参加计划的意向, 而且不迟于第一学年结束, 为选课提供参考.

Students enrolled in the Program must apply to the 法学院 by the end of their first year. It is recommended that they sit for the LSAT during the October administration but no later than the December LSAT test administration of that year. 符合所有本科要求的学生, who achieve an LSAT score that is at or above the 法学院's median accepted score for the previous year, and who present no serious character and fitness issues will be guaranteed admission to the Roger Williams University 法学院.

Students following the 3+3 program will be considered candidates for the bachelor's degree following the completion of the first year in law; i.e.这是该项目的第四年. Such candidates for the bachelor's must file an application for degree with the University Registrar before registering for their fourth-year courses (first year Law School courses).